Saturday, February 14, 2009

US drones attacking Pakistan flying out of Pakistan?

Three drones missile strikes on Pakistan have been carried out since Obama took power. Every time this happens, Pakistan lodges a formal complaint. However, Senator Diane Feinstein declared that the drones were flying out of military bases located in Pakistan, not Afghanistan. That would mean that Pakistan is in fact teaming up with the US to a greater extent to target extremists (and civilians). As the LA Times reported:

"At a hearing, Feinstein expressed surprise over Pakistani opposition to the campaign of Predator-launched CIA missile strikes against Islamic extremist targets along Pakistan's northwestern border.

"As I understand it, these are flown out of a Pakistani base," she said.

The basing of the pilotless aircraft in Pakistan suggests a much deeper relationship with the United States on counter-terrorism matters than has been publicly acknowledged. Such an arrangement would be at odds with protests lodged by officials in Islamabad, the capital, and could inflame anti-American sentiment in the country.

The CIA declined to comment, but former U.S. intelligence officials, speaking on condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity of the information, confirmed that Feinstein's account was accurate."

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