Thursday, June 10, 2010

Khaled Meshaal interview

interview in which he says he would accept the two-state solution:

So when the occupation comes to an end, the resistance will
end. As simple as that. If Israel withdraws to the 1967 borders, so that
will be the end of the Palestinian resistance.

CHARLIE ROSE: You are saying if the Israelis withdraw to the ‘67
borders, give or take this place or that place, right of return,
Palestinian capital in East Jerusalem, what else?

KHALED MESHAAL: If Israel withdraws to the borders of 1967, and from
East Jerusalem, that will become the capital of the Palestinian state with
the right of self -- with the right of return for the refugees and with a
Palestinian state with real sovereignty on the land and on the borders and
on the checkpoints. Then we -- the Palestinian state will decide the
future of the relationship with Israel. And we will respect the decision
that will reflect the viewpoint of the majority of the Palestinian people
both inside and outside Palestine.

CHARLIE ROSE: And you would be happy forever for that to be the
territory of Palestine? You need no more territory?

KHALED MESHAAL: You know, Charlie, that half of the Palestinian
people belong to Palestine of 1948. Them and their parents are born on
that land in Haifa/Jaffa -- even -- and which means that they belong to
that territory. This is why we say if Israel withdraws to the borders of
1967, it doesn’t mean that it gives us back all the land of the

But we do consider this as an acceptable solution to have a
Palestinian state on the borders of 1967, and this, the people, whether
that belongs to the West Bank and Gaza or to the land of 1948, the
Palestinian state will have a referendum. And the Palestinian people will
decide. We in Hamas will respect the decision of the Palestinian majority.
This is a democracy.

CHARLIE ROSE: But just within the territories of the ‘67 boundaries?

KHALED MESHAAL: In other words --

CHARLIE ROSE: This is an important point.

KHALED MESHAAL: Don’t request the Palestinian people to have a
certain stance from Israel while living under the Israeli occupation. Give
the Palestinian people the opportunity to live in a normal situation in a
Palestinian state, and then the Palestinian people with complete freedom
will decide.

CHARLIE ROSE: You know what the Israeli people feel. Hamas, you
don’t respect our right to exist, call us a Nazi state, in your charter.
Why should they believe that the Palestinian people and the leadership
would accept and live in peace side-by-side?

KHALED MESHAAL: Who should have the fear and have this sense of
danger? Those who own the atomic arms and have the strongest military in
the region and launch wars in the region and could have Israel with (ph)
force, and after all that you come to tell us that they fear us?

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